Surpassing Goals: Justine's Story

Justine was able to loose 100 lbs in 8 months eating a low-carb high-fat diet. She combines her low-carb lifestyle with HIIT training and weightlifting. You can follow her journey on instagram @lean.justine! We are so proud to be sharing another amazing keto story. (P.S. You can visit Justine at the Low-Carb Living event in Etobicoke this weekend, click for tickets)

Weight loss is what makes the headlines, but it is so incredible to be able to share stories of people not just loosing weight but changing their lives! 

"My name is Justine and I’m the middle child & only girl. I grew up on a dairy farm outside of a small town called Seaforth. Despite working hard since I was little, I was overweight my entire life. As I continued to get older my weight continued to climb. Most of my life I stayed away from the scale. It was a reminder of how far I’d let myself get & the heavier I got, the harder and more distant any weight loss goal seemed. When I went away to Fanshawe college for graphic design, I was scared, nervous and really missing home. I drove home every weekend to my comfort place. As I made friends in my program, life got easier. We routinely went out for drinks, food, bowling, partying. All the mixings for weight gain.

I remember stepping on the scale and seeing 300lbs. The first thing I did was eat. I felt so hopeless and lost. Not sure how to even tackle this. I had tried many times throughout my life to diet and exercise but it never stuck.

Fast forward to meeting my amazing boyfriend, now FIANCÉ!, in 2013. I was at my heaviest but he loved me for me. Most of our relationship I was overweight. We finally decided in August 2016 to sign up at the gym. At first I was doing great. Losing weight, eating proper. We decided to make Friday’s our cheat meal. Friday turned into Saturday, into Sunday and I was back at square one on Monday. This unhealthy roller coaster lead me to give up. Over the holidays I put the weight back on.

March 2017, I started fresh. This time felt different. I was ready to commit my life to a healthy body, mind & soul. I went online to a macro calculator and punched in my goals and went from there. When I wasn’t seeing change, I changed my macros. I ended up seeing results from low carb, high fat/protein, KETO! I had set a goal to lose 100lbs by my birthday in January 2018 and I met that goal in about 7-8months. I felt unstoppable!

As you will see from my IG page, I love HIIT cardio and I mix that with weight lifting. I am now down 141lbs and maintaining happily & loving the muscle gains! I finally took control of something I struggled with for so many years. I am no longer “that girl with just the pretty face”. I am strong, I am unstoppable & most importantly, happy & healthy! Weight loss is never linear. Be ready to roll with the punches & be open to change when things aren’t working. Just don’t give up. The sacrifices you put into your journey will always outweigh the life you will gain."

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