Start January Strong: 6 Tips to Get Back Into Keto Post Holidays

This January we're all about kickstarting your keto. Whether your planning to start for the first time, or getting back into it after the holidays, January can give us the fresh start we need.

We spoke with entrepreneur and owner of Phat Nutrition  Eoin Carrol for his tips on getting back into keto after the holidays. View the infographic below for his top tips to get back in the game!  
(ps Eoin is going to be one of the guest speakers at our next meet-up where he'll be diving into this topic with us in person!) 
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Depending on how much you indulged or how carb sensitive you are, you may be experiencing some uncomfortable backlash post December, including:

  • Intense sugar cravings
  • Higher insulin levels
  • Higher blood sugar levels
  • Sugar crashes
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hanger

Given that this cycle of hanger and sugar cravings can make it difficult to stop the very thing you're trying to accomplish (eating carbs and sugar) you want to support your body to control cravings as quick as you can.

5 Tips To Get Back Into Keto

tips to get back into keto after the holidays with Eoin Carroll

For more tips from Eoin follow Phat Nutrition on Instagram!

Kickstart 2019 With Keto Meal Plans

If counting macros and cooking all your meals seems like too much work, we’re excited to announce we will be offering Weekly Keto Meal Plans starting this January. Stay on track with keto and achieve your 2019 goals with the help of our keto meal packages!

New to keto? Our Keto Kickstart Package will have everything you need to easily start on your keto diet. No macro counting or confusing recipes, we’ve done it all for you!

Details to come soon….stay tuned.

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