Creamy Keto Vanilla Latte Recipe

Starting the day with a warm cuppa is an undeniably wonderful tradition. What's even better is when that coffee tastes delicious, curbs your cravings, and helps to keep your blood sugar balanced. Enter, the keto coffee. 

A keto coffee, by our definition, is any coffee that has added oils or fats in it to up the fat level and make for a more filling beverage. We like to use MCT oil and grass-fed butter in ours. The MCTs are used by the brain as quick fuel supporting productivity, while the high fat content keeps cravings at bay...leaving you to get on with your day feeling full and energized. 

This recipe below has all the benefits of a keto coffee, with a little extra love and creaminess. It's also dairy-free and vegan for those who like to incorporate these options into their keto diet.  Enjoy! 

Creamy Keto Vanilla Latte Recipe


  • 1 tbsp MCT oil 
  • 1/4 cup full fat coconut milk (thai kitchen is a great brand)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 250 ml hot coffee 
  • sprinkle of cinnamon if desired! 


Simply add all ingredients into a blender and enjoy! If you do enjoy butter, feel free to add an extra tbsp of butter for extra fat and creaminess. Drink immediatly as the fat may start to separate if left out. 

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