Keep Calm & Keto On: Keeping Keto During the Holiday Season - ketolibriyum

Keep Calm & Keto On: Keeping Keto During the Holiday Season

We’re almost halfway into December, and for so many of us this means holiday events, office treats and dinner parties are abounding. Before turning to the keto diet, the holidays may have represented a time to indulge and eat a lot of food we otherwise would restrain from. So…what do the holidays look like on keto?


The good news is the holidays can be whatever you make them this year. If you want to indulge and eat a few sweets, that’s okay! If you’d like to keep to your keto diet and avoid carbs, we got you covered (have you seen our new cheesecakes?) What is important, is ensuring YOU are comfortable with your decision.

cakes            keto gingerbread man 


It is important to note some of us are able to get away with a little carb loading, while for others cheating may have more serious consequences. Those with diabetes, high blood pressure or severe insulin resistance are sensitive to changes in blood glucose, and should monitor levels closely. Those who are not dealing with a metabolic imbalance may be able to indulge and bounce back quite quickly. Listen to your body and always consult a doctor if you have concerns!

5 Tips For Managing the Holidays On Keto

Whether you plan to indulge a little or be as strict as possible, here are five applicable and useful tips to help you get through the holidays this season, no matter where’d you’re at on your keto journey.

a cup of coffee written "begin"

1. Start your day keto

The way you start your morning sets the bar for the rest of the day. Even if you plan to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, starting your morning with a high-carb meal can set off your blood sugar levels from the get go. Stick to a keto-friendly or low-carb breakfast and you’ll feel more balanced even with the extra carbs in the evening.

2. Don’t snack

Like a high-carb breakfast, snacking too much can set us off on the wrong foot. When we snack, our body isn’t able to bring blood sugar levels back into the ideal range as we’re constantly putting more food into our system (and therefore raising insulin). By sticking to eating at meal times we are allowing our body to regulate itself more effectively.

3. Incorporate Intermittent Fasting

After a night of indulging, some find it beneficial to start the next day with a fast. Even eating in a shorter window may help some control their ketone and blood sugar levels. Studies have shown eating in a shortened window has a positive effect on weight management. If you’re body allows it, skip breakfast to help your body burn through a little excess glucose in the morning.

4. Don’t fall into the guilt trap

It happens to all us of. You had goal in mind for your eating and for whatever reason (..maybe a delicious slice of chocolate cake was too much to resist..) you didn’t stick to the goal. THAT’S OKAY! We’re only human, and we cannot be perfect all the time. There is a lot more to consider when looking at cravings, and it’s not only about willpower. Forgive yourself and start clean the next day. 

5. Ground Yourself In Your Goals

If sticking to the keto lifestyle over the holidays is important, try starting each day by reviewing your health goals. This can be a powerful form of mindfulness to help root you in your goals and encourage you to stick to them throughout the day.

Click here to read about the top five supplements to consider when starting keto. 


PS - we're planning some exciting additions to our offerings for the new year. If you're planning on starting keto full time after the holidays...we may have just the package for you (*cough..meal plans..*cough) ..stay tuned. 





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