Sending autoimmune issues & psoriasis into remission: Chris's Story - ketolibriyum

Sending autoimmune issues & psoriasis into remission: Chris's Story

Five years ago, Chris made a decision to change his life. He was in the middle of a lifestyle overhaul, battling psoriasis and other autoimmune issues caused by inflammation. His energy levels were low, and he struggled with focus and brain fog. Then, in 2019, he decided to make a change. On a quest to change the way he eats, he discovered Clean Cravings (at the time, Ketolibriyum). 


Chris made a commitment to cut out sugar and processed foods, and focus on eating a clean, healthy, whole foods diet. He hasn't looked back, and continues to live this lifestyle today. 

Here’s how his life changed since cutting out sugar and processed foods, and eating a healthy whole foods diets:

  • Lost 35 pounds
  • More energy throughout the day
  • No carb crashes
  • Increased focus, less brain fog
  • Psoriasis and other autoimmune issues went into remission 

For around 20 years I had problems with psoriasis and other autoimmune issues due to inflammation. This has now all fully gone into remission. Sometimes I forget how much has healed over the last 5 years.

Clean Cravings became Chris's go-to for home-style cooked meals, free from seed oils, sugar, and grains. According to Chris, we made it convenient and easy for him to stick to his health goals.

Your wonderful store and staff have played a key role in my journey to health because of what you offer AND because I don't have to cook :) Convenience is underrated especially when discipline gets low.

If you're looking to transform your life, we've got you covered.

A huge thank you to Chris for meeting with us and sharing his story. It's stories like this that keep us motivating to keep doing what we're doing! 

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